Veteran dominates Honda Michelin
Challenge Series first race at Mosport

Normand Boyer gives  spectacular driving lesson - drives from last to first in the rain!


Quebec drivers capture inaugural Honda Michelin podium spaces at Mosport after racing in the rain !

Podium d'honneur Qu�b�cois lors de la manche initiale
de la S�rie Honda Michelin � Mosport



Frederick Lelievre, Mont-Joli, Quebec


Norman Boyer - Ste. Agathe, Quebec


Kuno Wittmer, Hudson, Quebec

BOWMANVILLE, Ontario (May 23, 2004)

Starting at the back of the 18-car grid, Normand Boyer of Ste-Agathe, Qu�bec worked his way up the field to win the inaugural Honda / Michelin Challenge Series race held Sunday at Mosport International Raceway. The veteran race driver used his wet weather condition experience to hold off rookie driver Fr�d�rick Leli�vre of Mont-Joli, Quebec on the last turn of the 16-lap race to cross the finish line with only a half second lead. Third place went to another rookie, Kuno Wittmer of Montreal. Quebec drivers dominated the field taking the top eight positions in the race.

Nick Wittmer, brother of Kuno, brought his Honda Ste-Rose in fourth place ahead of Robert Boyer of Ste-Anne-des-Lacs. Boyer had a great last lap, passing the Hamel Honda of Montrealer Denis Baillargeon and the �nergie/RDS/NAPA Honda Civic of Didier Schraenen of Mont-St-Hilaire.

''On the grid, I said to myself that a podium finish would be great,'' said winner Normand Boyer. Then, when I found myself in fifth place after only two laps and saw that the rookies ahead of me were making small mistakes, I said, let's go for the win and I did. On the last lap, I made a slight mistake and I put my Lombardi Honda a bit sideways, but I was able to hold off Fr�d�rick (Leli�vre) by staying on the race line.''

As for Leli�vre, he was happy to bring his Rimouski Lamontagne Auto Honda home in second place. ''We started the race on dry set-ups and I kept it on the track the whole time, said the rookie driver. I led the race twice and learned a lot today in the wet. I know I can win. I made a few mistakes, but obviously less than most of the others as I finished second. I had a good run with Normand. Twice we were side-by-side, but he had the racing line. It looks good for Montreal.''

Kuno Wittmer also had a run at it, leading the race for four laps, but went off slightly and lost the lead to finish third. ''I'm happy with the results, said Kuno. I have little experience in the rain and had no idea where the racing line was in the wet. Yet, I managed to lead the race. It's great for the whole Honda de Sigi team with my brother finishing fourth. I could see him in my mirrors but I knew that my lead was good for third place if I stayed on the track. I learned a lot today following Normand (Boyer). You can see that he's experienced. A podium finish on my first race is great. A win would have been nice, but It's the title that I want.''

Polesitter Ryan Kelly of London (ON) led through the first turn but his inexperience in the rain cost him as he slid slowly down the field to finish ninth overall. ''This was a learning experience,'' said the London, Ontario rookie. ''I have very little experience in the rain and it was raining very hard. I brought the KelCoating Honda back in the pits in one piece and that was important. Let's hope that the next race is run under sunny skies.''

The next round of the Honda / Michelin Challenge Series will be held on Saturday June 12 as part of the Grand Prix du Canada

BOWMANVILLE, Ontario (23 mai 2004)

Les pilotes qu�b�cois ont domin� la premi�re �tape de la S�rie Honda / Michelin disput�e dimanche sous la pluie � Mosport en Ontario en prenant les huit premi�res positions. S'�lan�ant en fond de grille, Normand Boyer a remont� le peloton pour inscrire une victoire �clatante devant les recrues Fr�d�rick Leli�vre de Mont-Joli et Kuno Wittmer de Hudson. Au volant de sa Honda Lombardie, le pilote de Ste-Agathe a doubl� 13 voitures lors des deux premiers tours de la course avant de se tricoter un chemin jusqu'au premier rang au 11e des 16 tours de cette manche initiale.

Nick Wittmer, le fr�re de Kuno, a termin� quatri�me devant Robert Boyer de Ste-Anne-des-Lacs. Ce dernier a effectu� toute une passe au dernier tour en doublant tout d'abord la Honda �nergie/RDS/NAPA de Didier Schraenen de Mont-St-Hilaire qui a termin� septi�me, et la Hamel Honda de Steven Laporte (6e) de St-Sauveur. Le Montr�alais Denis Baillargeon a termin� huiti�me.

� Sur la grille de d�part, je me suis dit qu'un podium �tait possible a d�clar� Normand Boyer. Puis lorsque je me suis retrouv� cinqui�me apr�s deux tours et que je rejoignais les meneurs, je me suis dit que je pouvais gagner car les jeunes devant moi commettaient de petites erreurs sous la pluie. J'ai profit� de chacune de leurs erreurs pour gagner mes positions. Je me suis permis une petite glissade dans l'avant-dernier virage de la course, mais j'ai gard� ma ligne de course pour emp�cher Fr�d�rick (Leli�vre) de passer devant. � 

Leli�vre �tait tr�s heureux d'avoir men� sa Honda Lamontagne Auto de Rimouski au deuxi�me rang. � Nous avions des r�glages pour le sec et la course s'est d�roul�e sous une pluie battante, a soulign� le pilote gasp�sien. Dans ces conditions, je suis heureux de cette deuxi�me place, surtout que j'ai men� � deux reprises. J'ai commis quelques erreurs et �a ma co�t� le premier rang � chaque fois. Mais, il faut dire que j'ai �galement profit� des erreurs des autres pour terminer deuxi�me. � deux occasions en fin de course, je me suis retrouv� c�te-�-c�te avec Normand, mais chaque fois, il avait la ligne de course. J'apprends tranquillement et on verra ce qui va se passer � Montr�al. �

Quant � Kuno Wittmer, il a �galement connu une excellente sortie. Il a men� la course durant quatre tours, mais il a commis une l�g�re erreur alors qu'il �tait en t�te pour finalement terminer troisi�me. � Consid�rant mon inexp�rience sous la pluie, je suis tr�s heureux de ce podium. Je n'avais aucune id�e o� �tait la ligne de course sur cette piste d�tremp�e et j'ai tout de m�me men� l'�preuve. Avec la quatri�me position de mon fr�re Nick et mon podium, c'est toute l'�quipe Honda de Sigi qu'il faut f�liciter. Ils ont fait de l'excellent travail. �

La prochaine �preuve sera disput�e le samedi 12 juin sur le circuit Gilles-Villeneuve dans le cadre du Grand Prix du Canada.



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