Honda / Michelin Challenge Series
Officials Appointed


March 18, 2004

ASN Canada FIA today announced the appointment of the officials for the 2004 Honda / Michelin Challenge Series. The officials are:

  Marcel Demers Chief Steward Montr�al, Quebec
  Ronald Woltman Deputy Steward Ottawa, Ontario
  David Lambert Chief Technical Inspector London, Ontario
  Nicolas Berry Deputy Technical Inspector Ottawa, Ontario
  Laura Schmidt Series Registrar Toronto, Ontario
  Nicole Choquette Deputy Registrar Montr�al, Quebec

"We are pleased with the line-up of officials for the re-launch of the popular Honda / Michelin Challenge Series.   This slate of officials brings many years of experience together on a solid team, and in addition, competitors will be able to communicate with the officials in both languages." said ASN. 

Honda's Series Director, Ralph Luciw and Event Operations Director, John Sherk, along with ASN's Paul Cooke have been working together diligently to complete the regulations and operating procedures and they should be ready for publication within days."  "We feel that the competitors will appreciate the efforts that are being taken to simplify the race event procedures and allow everyone to focus on the racing." commented ASN.

The Canadian motorsport community anxiously awaits the Series first event at Mosport on the Victoria Day Weekend (May 22/23). 



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