TAKE A LAP OF CARTBC with Mike Gregg, Track Designer


Mike Gregg led a team of BC karters in the design of the CARTBC track.    Mike spearheaded the construction of the track from putting the first shovel into the ground to putting the first kart on the track.  Working with ASN Canada FIA, the track has features rivaling European tracks, in a pastoral setting only found in BC.  The track is a delight to drive if you don't mind a challenge!.

Let's tour the track with Mike as our driver...
The photos below were taken just prior to the official track opening in 2002.

 Scroll down to tour the track

Coming down the front straight to take the green flag, one realizes just how wide the pavement is (6 kart lanes).

Since the track opened in June 2002, there has been successful competitive passing at almost every corner.

The track sets up well for passing and discourages a defensive driving attitude, due in large part, to the extreme width of the surface.


Pick one of many lines entering 1 as there is a 30 degree kink in the front straight about 100 feet before the corner; a perfect place to pass under heavy braking.


Through 1 and back on the gas.


Full throttle through 2... if you dare.

Watch out for the CIK external curbing which has a tendency to invite karts right off the track.

Exiting Turn 2 it's flat out down to 3... another passing zone under braking.

A large radius hairpin where you must decide if you need an early or late apex, depending on traffic.

Down to the 4/5 combination that drives as a decreasing radius turn.


If you weren’t passed in 3 watch out for 4/5, another passing zone.

Out of 4/5 and back on the gas where some of the slower classes will be flat out all the way to 9.

The left/right combination of 6 and 7 will test your high speed bravery.

Be in the right position through 6 or totally miss 7.

Again, another external curb to be concerned with.

Through 7and you’re on the fast back chute that has a 35 degree bend in the middle with a negative 4% camber.

Slightly up hill through 8 (100 degree right hander) onto the short chute to 9, or the “light bulb” as it’s known, where most incidents occur as a result of “kamikaze” pass attempts.

9 is a solid off camber sweeping right hander that will test your skill in setting up for the inside loop.

10 and 11 on the inside loop are possibly your last chance to improve your position before taking the checkered flag.

Through 12, a 60 degree right hander, that takes you back on the front straight

The run for the finish line.
So come race with us, and get in the picture!

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