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ASN Canada FIA announces |
Le Club Auto-Sport Des
to Host National
Championship Event |
Mississauga, Ontario
June 5 |
SoloSport national presence...
The Canadian SoloSport community is looking forward to a top-calibre event that competitors will find challenging and rewarding and, in the future, we expect to expand the annual event with the addition of SoloSprint (Solo 1).
race with us... It is great to finally see Solosport coming together again as a national community, said Cliff Loh, British Columbias member of the National Solosport Committee. Its a tribute to the tireless work put in by enthusiasts all over Canada who believe in the need for this National Championship event. The 2004 event is organized by le Club Autosport Des Laurentides (CADL) and plans are underway to hold the 2005 event in Calgary.
"Venir la course avec nous..."
"Come race with us..."
Canadian Championship Regulations ASN SoloSport GCR Championship Regulations Technical Regulations Car Classes Click on above
Canadian AutoSlalom Championship Fast Facts Dating back to 1972, Canadian solo competitors enjoyed a National AutoSlalom Day with an identically designed course run on the same day on different venues across the country from which national champions were determined. In 2000, a group of enthusiastic SoloSport participants from across Canada, the Canadian National AutoSlalom Championship, created a single national championship event that ran through to 2003 when 134 participants competed. With the formation of the ASN Canada FIA SoloSport Committee in 2004, the Canadian National AutoSlalom Championship concept became part of the mandate of the ASN SoloSport Committee and the committee elected to hold an annual Canadian AutoSlalom Championship event alternating between eastern and western Canada. |
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