Inagural ASN SoloSport Committee Meeting

SoloSport competitors from across Canada well-represented at meeting in Mississauga, Ontario

Left to Right: Doug Campbell - Alberta; Daniel Forest - Qu�bec; Terry Epp - ASN; Chris Sorensen, Ontario; Cliff Loh - British Columbia; Dave Hull - Maritimes.

Mississauga, Ontario - April 18 - Canadian SoloSport competitors were well-represented at the inagural ASN SoloSport Committee meeting held for two days in Mississauga, Ontario.  The meeting, scheduled months in advance, followed a series of telephone conference calls organized by ASN's Director, Terry Epp, who a year ago accepted the task of forming the Committee after ASN was asked by its Territories to assist in helping standardize SoloSport activities across Canada.

The agenda included a wide-ranging number of topics: the mission of the Committee; commonality and differences in SoloSport across Canada; event security and safety; the establishment of an annual ASN Canada FIA National SoloSport Championship event; and an action plan to continue the work of the Committee and to communicate with the SoloSport community.

Also participating in the meeting were ASN's President, Roger Peart; Vice President of Competition, Paul Cooke; ASN's Administrator, Chere Cooke; and special guest, Kevin Besta, a Partner of Jones Brown Motorsports.

ASN Director and Committee Chair, Terry Epp commented, "The focus of our Committee is to promote and develop the increasingly popular SoloSport activity across Canada for the benefit of participants.  The standardization of rules and regulations, where it is practical, will go a long way to the growth of SoloSport.  We look forward to the day when we can declare Canadian SoloSport Champions.  Our Committee will be communicating progress on our action plan... stay tuned and visit the ASN Canada FIA and Territory websites often for news". 

ASN's Vice President of Competition, Paul Cooke said, "ASN is pleased to be able to help meet the needs of our affiliates across Canada, and judging from the quality of the Committee members and their experience, wisdom and suggestions, the direction and development of SoloSport is in good hands.  We look forward to supporting SoloSport across Canada.  After all, no one can predict where the next Frank Sprongle, Ron Fellows, Jacques Villeneuve or Michael Schumacher is today... perhaps preparing for their first SoloSport event here in Canada".

Terry Epp



Dave Hull


Daniel Forest



Chris Sorensen





Doug Campbell



Cliff Loh


British Columbia