2005/2006 Insurance Forms

ASN Canada FIA is proud to offer insurance services working with our partner Jones Brown Motorsport.
Jones Brown Motorsport Insurance, their agents and insurance suppliers are fully licenced federally and provincially to provide insurance protection
under the Canadian Department of Justice Insurance Companies Act regulations.

Insurance, acquired only through ASN Canada FIA, is a requirement for affiliation to ASN Canada FIA.
Only organizations that are affiliated to ASN Canada FIA and in good standing, are eligible to apply for insurance coverage.

If you are an affiliated club and need information about our insurance plan please contact our office by email  - [email protected]

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  Summary Of Insurance Coverage


Insurance Rate Sheet Effective April 1, 2005


GL & D&O Application Form - Use with ENCON Form


ENCON Directors' & Officers' Insurance Information Form


Event Insurance Application


Event Report


Incident Report


Claim Form


Waiver - General Waiver - French


Waiver - General Waiver - English


Waiver - Mineur Waiver - French


Waiver - Minor Waiver - English

  Waiver - Annual Parental Consent - French
  Waiver - Annual Parental Consent - English







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