ASN Canada FIA
2009 National Karting Championships
August 7, 8, 9, 2009
Our host and organizer -  Goodwood Karting & the Di Leo family
Track available for unofficial practice on August 6

The Dileo brothers welcome everyone!

August 11 -Results of the Final Races
Click Here for the results of the final races
Full results for all Friday, Saturday and Sunday track sessions will be posted
when AMB MyLaps,com technical difficulties are resolved.

 ASN Canada FIA 2009 Canadian Karting Championships
Posting of all results on

AMB issued a software upgrade to their timing and scoring software.
Unfortunately, we had no knowledge before installing the upgrade that the new software will not allow the uploading of results to MyLaps due to a glitch in the new software.
ASN is working with AMB in Georgia and Holland for a quick solution
We will post a notice when the problem is corrected.
The summary results are available on and
Paul Cooke, National Karting Director.

August 3 - Final List of Eligible Rotax Drivers
 Click Here

August 3 - Mike Wison - 6-time karting world champion at Goodwood
Click here

August 3 - Goodwood's treasured past...
Click here

July 30 - Kart Number Registration Now Closed - Kart Numbers will be assigned at Goodwood Registration

July 30 - Nationals Technical Self-Declaration Form
Click Here

July 29 - Nationals Bulletin 01 - Rotax DD2 Dry Tire
Click Here

July 28 - List of Eligible Rotax Drivers as of July 29
Click Here

July 24 - Nationals Supplementary Regulations
Click Here

July 24 - Nationals Schedule
Click Here

July 16 - Licence Information
Please note that National Licences are required for all classes except Rotax Micro-Max and Rotax Mini-Max
Micro-Max and Mini-Max require only Club or Regional licences

 July 3 - Goodwood Kartways  - GPS Coordinates
N 44
002'48.04"     W 790

July 3 - Event Hotel Accommodations Click Here

July 3 - Goodwood facility upgrade project continues  Click Here

July 2 - Entry Form and Paddock Reservation Form now Posted  Click Here

June 29 - Kart Number Reservation Request now Posted  FORM IS CLOSED


July 3 - The detail schedule and supplementary regulations will be published shortly.


April 3, 2009

Canadian Karting Championships awarded to Goodwood Kartways

The ASN Canada FIA Canadian Karting Championships will be held at Goodwood Kartways in Stouffville, Ontario, on August 7, 8, 9, 2009.

ASN Canada FIA and the Canadian Rotax Max Challenge have selected Goodwood Kartways as the location to determine National Champions in seven classes as well as for Rotax drivers to earn the opportunity to represent Canada at the Rotax Grand World finals in Egypt later in the year.

Goodwood Kartways is one of the oldest continuously operated kart racing facilities in North America and home to world-renowned international drivers including Ron Fellows, Paul Tracy, Scott Goodyear among many others.

“Congratulation to Goodwood and the Di Leo family”, said Ron Fellows, internationally famous champion.  “I often think about the importance Goodwood played in helping me develop my racing skills in the early days.  Goodwood is a challenging track and drivers who drive well there can do well anywhere”.

Daniel Di Leo, president of Goodwood Kartways - “I am excited that our track has been chosen for the 11th running of Canada’s premier kart racing event.  The Di Leo family has long supported both the Canadian and Rotax championships and my brother Marco and I have driven at most of them.  Now we get to host the event - our whole family is proud!  To prepare for the event we are making significant financial investment in a major upgrade to the track and facilities and construction is already underway”.


Equipment on-site in April preparing for construction of new kerbing

“The majority of existing curbs are being removed and replaced with new style curbs, repaving of large portions of the track, replacement of tire barriers with modular plastic units in most areas as well as improvements to the paddock area”, said Di Leo.

Patrick Moreau, National Manager of the Rotax Challenge: “Ontario is Canada’s largest karting community.  Traditionally, a final held in Ontario brings the biggest field of drivers and this is an additional challenge for the competitors as well as a wonderful show for the spectators..  We are very impressed by the serious work in progress by the Goodwood organisation.  The financial investment in the facilities shows their determination and commitment to provide drivers with a high quality racetrack.  We will assist the Goodwood organisation to have a successful event”.

Paul Cooke, ASN Canada FIA Vice President, Competition:  “The Canadian Championships at Goodwood helps make their upgrading plan possible and will leave an improved facility for Ontario karters to enjoy for the future”.


The ASN Canada FIA Canadian Karting Championships will determine National Champions in seven classes - Rotax DD2, Senior, Junior, Mini-Max Micro-Max, Canada Senior and Canada Junior.

Drivers from Rotax Max DD2, Senior and Junior classes will earn the right to represent Canada at the  Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals at the Sharm El Sheikk Egypt Ghibli Raceway from the 7th to 12th of December 2009.

Hosting the 2009 Nationals will only add to Goodwood's fabulous racing history as one of the oldest continuously operated kart racing facilities in North America and home to world-renowned international drivers including:

Stay tuned for more event information regarding kart number registration, entry forms, national driver licencing, track facilities, accommodation, event schedules, etc.