ASN Canada FIA Championnats Canadiens presented by Canadian Tire "Thank You" to all that came to race with us..." August 12, 13, 14, 2011
Le Circuit Mont Tremblant |
Get your Smartphone |
Aug 23 |
Canadian Karting Championships Videos now on the Kart Racing Network Here |
Aug 5 |
A Briggs and Stratton Seniors Masters Class has been added to the schedule. Masters will run within the Senior class. A Master is defined as 30 years and older with a minimum weight of 360 pounds. Trophies for the top three masters will be awarded at the podium. ASN Briggs & Stratton rules apply. |
Aug 5 |
Aug 3 |
Aug 2 |
Aug 2 |
Canadian Championships
-Mont-Tremblant Mardi - Tuesday
8:00AM to 6:00PM Mercredi
- Wednesday 7:00 AM to 6:00PM Jeudi
- Thursday
7:00 AM to 6:00PM
Toutes les classes qui courent � l'ASN Canada FIA Championnats Canadien de karting doivent avoir une licence d�livr�e par l'ASN Canada FIA. Les demandes seront re�ues au bureau d'ASN jusqu'� minuit le 3 ao�t 2011. Les demandes de licences re�ues le 4 ao�t ou plus tard seront soumis � un suppl�ment de retard de $25.00.
All Classes running at the ASN Canada FIA Canadian
Karting Championships must have a National Karting Licence
issued by ASN Canada FIA. Applications will be received in the ASN
office until midnight August 3, 2011. Any licence applications
received on August 4 or later will be subject to a late fee of $25.00. |
July 26 |
July 25 |
July 13 |
If you are planning to participate at the Canadian Championships at Mont Tremblant on August 10 to 14, below is the information that you need. |
May 27 |
Mont Tremblant Karting Circuit new Website Lodging Information: http://www.kartingjimrussell.com/en/lodging General information -Raphaelle Boisclair
French & English |
Feb 16 |
Briggs & Stratton Classes to be at the 2011 Canadian Karting Championships at Mont Tremblant |
Click here for information |