ASN Canada FIA
Canadian Karting Championships

Championnats Canadiens

presented by Canadian Tire

"Thank You" to all that came to race with us..."

August 12, 13, 14, 2011

Le Circuit Mont Tremblant
Le Circuit website Here


Get your Smartphone
Store locator App


Aug 23

Canadian Karting Championships Videos now on the Kart Racing Network Here


Aug 5

A Briggs and Stratton Seniors Masters Class has been added to the schedule. Masters will run within the Senior class. A Master is defined as 30 years and older with a minimum weight of 360 pounds.  Trophies for the top three masters will be awarded at the podium.  ASN Briggs & Stratton rules apply.


Aug 5

D�claration Pr�-inspection technique Ici


Aug 3

Pre-Tech Self Declaration Form English  Here


Aug 2

Canadian Karting Championships
All three days of action being live-streamed on the Kart Racing Network


Aug 2

Canadian Championships -Mont-Tremblant
Heures d'accr�ditation - Registration Hours

Mardi - Tuesday               8:00AM to 6:00PM

Mercredi - Wednesday      7:00 AM to 6:00PM

Jeudi - Thursday              7:00 AM to 6:00PM

Il n'y aura aucune accr�ditation le vendredi pour les pilotes

Toutes les classes qui courent � l'ASN Canada FIA Championnats  Canadien de karting doivent avoir une licence d�livr�e par l'ASN Canada FIA. Les demandes seront re�ues au bureau d'ASN  jusqu'� minuit le 3 ao�t 2011. Les demandes de licences re�ues le 4 ao�t ou plus tard seront soumis � un suppl�ment de retard de $25.00.

 There is no registration on Friday for drivers

All Classes running at the ASN Canada FIA Canadian Karting Championships must have a National Karting Licence issued by ASN Canada FIA.  Applications will be received in the ASN office until midnight August 3, 2011.  Any licence applications received on August 4 or later will be subject to a late fee of $25.00.


July 26 

Canadian Tire Sponsorship Announcement


July 25

ASN announces "Canadian Championship Tuner" Award


July 13


If you are planning to participate at the Canadian Championships at Mont Tremblant on August 10 to 14, below is the information that you need.


Event Schedule




L��v�nement R�glement Particulier




Entry Form Francais




Paddock Reservation Francais




Camping Reservation Francais


Event Supplementary Regulations


Entry Form English


Paddock Reservation English




Camping Information English




Briggs & Stratton and Monster Performance Awards Package


May 27

Mont Tremblant Karting Circuit new Website
Accomodation information:

Lodging Information:

General information -Raphaelle Boisclair [email protected]

French & English
Click here for website

Feb 16

Briggs & Stratton Classes to be at the 2011 Canadian Karting Championships at Mont Tremblant

Click here for information