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  Click Here for Karting Safety Information

  Click here for 2012 Canadian Karting Championships Calendar 


  Click here for the Western Canada Championship Series

  Click here for the Eastern Canada Championship Series

   To open file - click on title To save file to your disk -  right click and save to

    Nov 13


     2013 Kart Racing Driver National and International Licences 2013 kart racing starts in January in the USA. Click above for ASN licencing information.

     Aug 3


    Bulletin 12-06 - Briggs & Stratton LO206 Carburetor Slide Optimization

     Aug 1


     ASN Canadian Karting Championships Information Updated

     May 31


    Bulletin 12-05 - Rotax Classes Wet Weather Protection

     May 2      2012 Canadian Rotax Max Challenge Regulations Bulletins

             French Bulletin Sportif 2012-02 - Châssis autorisé dans la catégorie Micro-MAX


       English Sporting Bulletin 2012-02 - Chassis allowed for Micro-MAX Class

     April 26


     Bulletin 12-04 - WCC and ECKC 4-Cycle Driver Licencing

     April 8


     Bulletin 12-03 - SAH2010 Added to Approved Helmets


     Bulletin 12-02 -  Rear Protection

     April 7


     Bulletin 12-01 - Additional Cameras Approved For Use on a Kart -  Revised May 1



    Updated May 29  2012 List of Nationally Registered Kart Numbers Posted

     March 8 


     2012 Canadian Briggs & Stratton Class Regulations 



     Briggs & Stratton Technical Tool List

     Feb 28


   2012 Canadian Rotax Max Challenge Regulations Bulletins



     English Sporting Bulletin 2012-01 - Micro-Max Class Age



     English Technical Bulletin 2012-01 - Engine Seals and Exhaust



     French Bulletin Sportif Bulletin 2012-01 - Micro-Max Class Age



     French Bulletin Technique 2012-01 Engine Seals and Exhaust

     Feb 22


   2012 Canadian Rotax Max Challenge Regulations - Francais



     CRM Reglement Sportif



     CRM ReglementTechnique



     CRM Reglement Annex Sportif Micro Max & Mini Max



     CRM Reglement Annex Technique Micro Max & Mini Max

                Feb 22


   2012 Canadian Rotax Max Challenge Regulations - English



     CRM Sporting Regulations



     CRM Technical Regulations



     CRM Sporting Regulations Micro Max & Mini Max



     CRM Sporting Regulations Micro Max & Mini Max

     Feb 21


    2012 ASN Canada FIA Karting Sporting Regulations (Book 1)

     Feb 21


    2012 ASN Canada FIA Karting Technical Regulations (Book 2)

     Feb 21


    2012 Honda Technical Regilations - No Change from 2011 Regulations