March 22, 2004
ASN Canada FIA - Revised Competition Licence Medical Examination Policy
Effective Immediately
1. All National Licence applicants are required to pass a medical examination by a physician as follows:
� At the time of an initial (first-time) licence application if no previous medical examination has been done or a medical examination is due.
� Every five (5) years for applicants 11 to 35 years of age.
� Every two (2) years for applicants 36 to 59 years of age.
� Every year for applicants 60 years of age and older.
� Licence Applicants require a medical self-declaration in the years in which a medical examination by a physician is not required.
� ASN Canada FIA reserves the right to request a medical examination by a physician from a licence applicant at any time.
2. Applicants for all International grades of Competition Licence are required to pass an annual medical examination. International licence applicants 45 years of age and over must pass a stress-related electrocardiogram test initially and every 2 years thereafter.
ASN Canada FIA Territories, Regions and Clubs
1. It is recommended that Territories, Regions and Clubs affiliated to ASN Canada FIA adopt the ASN Canada FIA medical examination policy for Territory, Region and Club competition activities.
2. It is recommended for first time Kart Competition Licence applicants, under the age of 11, be required to pass an initial medical examination and submit a medical self-declaration each year thereafter (part of licence application form).
Click here to go to Licence Forms Download page