Message from Paul Cooke
June 18, 2003 � Montreal. Five days after having lost an argument with an
8,000 pound concrete block at the Canadian Formula 1 race, I felt strong enough
to talk with Michelle at our office.
Michelle told me that the ASN phones were inundated with calls from across Canada expressing concern for my condition which apparently had been sketchily (and incorrectly) covered in the media surrounding the event. Cher� and I both thank you for your calls and kind thoughts - they are important to both of us at this time when we are reminded of our own mortality.
I lay in bed in hospital in Montreal this morning being attended to by cherished friends developed over the last 25 years in Montreal, however wishing that we were on our way to Barrie.
As far as my injuries are concerned, I don't feel up to getting into details at this time, however they involve mostly the lower legs and will be some time in the healing.
Thanks for now.