News Release

Ontario Karters set to make history!

May 8, 2002 TORONTO, ON

The inaugural race weekend of the Sunoco Ron Fellows Karting Championship (SRFKC) is scheduled to kick off at Mosport International Raceway, on the Driver development track, on May 11-12.  The series will run in conjunction with the Ontario Kart Racing Association (OKRA).

With the first race weekend, consisting of two rounds, the Sunoco Ron Fellows Karting Championship will make history.  It is the first time a major sponsor has come forward to help Canadian youth climb the racing ladder.  Sunoco, along with Canadian racing standout Ron Fellows, envisioned a plan to help young Canadian racers migrate up the competition ladder.  This plan was presented to the karting community, and the Sunoco Ron Fellows Karting Championship became a reality.

“With the help from Sunoco, ASN Canada FIA and the OKRA, we’ve been able to create a new driver development program for aspiring Canadian drivers,” said Fellows.

Sunoco is providing the funding for the series. “Canada’s future in motorsports has gained a lap advantage with the creation of this kart championship,” said Kathy Brooks, Vice President, Branded Sales for Sunoco.

The objective of the SRFKC is to help foster a professional environment for kart drivers; help create a positive attitude towards appearance, conduct and discipline; help foster the employment of the best practices for the safe and fair running of competitions; and help kart drivers to move up the racing ladder to automobile racing.

Many of the top karters from Ontario and other provinces are scheduled to compete in four classes (Canada Junior, Canada Senior, Formula Junior and Formula Senior).  
The Formula Senior class will feature F125cc shifter karts, which are capable of exceeding 100 mph.  Both Formula classes will make Formula 1 style standing starts.

At the end of the season, eight drivers from the Formula Senior class, along with two drivers from the ASN Canadian National Championships will be invited to a one-day evaluation test at the Bridgestone/Firestone Driving Academy at Mosport.  Out of those 10 drivers, two will earn a full scholarship to the 2003 Bridgestone/Firestone Driving Academy school series.

Practice for the first two rounds will start on Saturday, May 11 at 1:00 pm. Qualifying and racing will go on Sunday May 12, with the drivers scheduled to take to the track at 8:30 am.

Directions to Mosport can be found at

For more information, please contact: Brad Brown, Sunoco Motorsports, (416)-233-8727.  ASN Canada FIA, Paul Cooke,, (905)-403-9000.  Russ Bond,, (416)-962-7223