ASN Canada
FIA Affiliates
Canadian Motorsport Structure
Given the vast size of Canada and our relatively small population, it is not practical to administer all forms of motorsport from one location.
ASN has delegated amateur motorsport activity to regional organisations or "Territories", which
take into account local conditions and special needs.
ASN Canada FIA Advisory Board
ASN maintains an Advisory Board which includes, in addition to the five Directors, the Presidents of each of the five regional
Territories, plus representatives of rallysport and karting.
Our Advisory
Board meets at least annually, providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between the Territories and the Board of Directors.
ASN Canada FIA
Our Territories are the "members" of ASN Canada FIA. In turn, the individual motorsport clubs are members of the Territories in which they are based.
We currently affiliate 115 Territory Car Clubs and 27
Regional Karting Clubs with a membership of about 5,000.
Atlantic Provinces
Atlantic Region Motor Sports (ARMS)
Region Motor Sports Inc.
P.O. Box 31333
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5Y5
Telephone: (902) 465-2063
Fax: (902) 465-3027

Schnare President
Province of Qu�bec
F�d�ration Auto Qu�bec (FAQ)
4545 Pierre de Coubertin
C.P. 1000 - Station 'M'
Montr�al, Qu�bec, H1V 3R2
Tel. : (514) 252-3052
Fax : (514) 254-5369
Website: www.auto-quebec.qc.ca
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Demers President
Province of Ontario
Automobile Sport Clubs - Ontario (CASC-OR)
703 Petrolia Road
Downsview, Ontario, M3J 2N6
Tel. :(416) 667-9500
Fax: (416) 667-9555
Website: www.casc.on.ca
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Polley President |
Western Provinces except British Columbia
Western Canada Motorsport Association (WCMA)
P.O. Box 20341, Calgary Place
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4J4
Tel. : (403) 242-1966
Fax : (403) 242-1966
Website: www.wcma.ca
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Mike Lemanski President |
Province of British Columbia
The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs (CACC)
3495 Cambie Street
Suite 538
Vancouver, British Columbia
V5Z 4R3
Website: www.caccautosport.org
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President |
Canadian Association of Rallysport (CARS)
595 Elm Road
Stouffville, Ontario, L4A 1W9
Tel. : (905) 640-6444
Fax : (905) 640-6444
Website: www.carsrally.ca

President |