ASN Canada FIA is strongly opposed to illegal street racing.
ASN recognizes the passion that Canadians, particularly young Canadians, have for their cars.
Our activities include provision across Canada for "organized motoring freedom off the streets"... opportunities for motorists of all ages to enjoy their cars in the atmosphere of a controlled environment combined with the absence of the stress of normal highway constraints.

On this webpage we offer an alternative, and generally explain what SoloSport is all about.
Enjoy your visit and take time to see what we do, and how we do it, through a Canada-wide network of affiliated volunteer clubs.

 Documents section here

"organized motoring freedom... off the streets!""
Grassroots competition at its best

SoloSport across Canada...

British Columbia:

Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs


Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba:

Western Canada Motorsport Association



Canadian Automobile Sport Clubs - Ontario



F�d�ration de sport automobile du Qu�bec



Atlantic Region Motorsports


SoloSport is motorsport with no wheel-to-wheel contact permitted. 

Safety is the order of the day for SoloSport...

Drivers can enjoy a variety of driving experiences from the novice wanting to learn more about driving their normal street vehicle, to the more experienced driver wanting to test the limits of themselves and their car... whatever the driver's particular circumstances, SoloSport offers "organized freedom" without the stress of normal highway constraints.

The cars...

Cars are separated in performance categories that include provision for a driver to enjoy spirited motoring in normal street vehicles, modified street vehicles,  specially-prepared high performance or race cars.

There are three distinct categories, each with a variety of car classes.

AutoSlalom competitions...

In organized competitions, drivers compete individually against the clock on specially designed temporary courses.  The courses are layed out with different challenging designs that test the driver's knowledge of personal skill, capabilities of the car, design of the facility, and of course - the clock.

SoloSprint competitions...

In organized competitions, drivers compete individually against the clock on well-known purpose-built racetracks such as British Columbia's Mission Raceway, Manitoba's Gimli Motorsport Park, Ontario's Mosport Park & Shannonville Motorsport Park, Qu�bec's Autodrome St. Eustache and the Maritime's Atlantic Motorsport Park.

Solo Lapping for pleasure...

In organized activities, cars are separated into comparable performance categories.  A day of activity includes scheduled track sessions for each category.  Drivers are encouraged to simply enjoy themselves and their cars in a "relaxed" atmosphere, with no official lap timing allowed.


ASN Canada FIA's Director of SoloSport activity... 

Mr. Terry Epp
Contact Terry by email.
Click here to Email Terry


Click here for list of all contacts


Documents section for the administration of SoloSport activity in Canada...  Click on heading

Aug 23

2008 ASN Canada FIA Autoslalom Championship Results

June 27

2008 ASN Canada FIA Canadian SoloSprint Championship $5,000 Travel Fund Created

June 27

2008 ASN Canada FIA Canadian SoloSprint Championship Event Awarded

ASN Canada FIA Drifting Regulations

ASN Canada FIA - A Quarter Century of AutoSlalom Champions

2008 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Appendices C and D - Roll-Over Protection

2008 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Appendix B - PAF Performance Index

2008 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Appendix A - Car Classes

2008 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Regulations

2008 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Championships

ASN Canada FIA SoloSprint Regulations

ASN National Lapping Regulations - French

ASN National Lapping Regulations - English

ASN SoloSport General Competition Regulations

ASN Solosport R�glements  G�n�raux de Competition

2007 ASN Canada FIA AutoSlalom Championship Report

2006 ASN Canada FIA Canadian AutoSlalom Championship Report


2006 ASN Canada FIA SoloSprint Championship Report

2005 ASN Canadian AutoSlalom Championships Results

2005 ASN Canadian SoloSprint Championships Results